5 Items To Help You Keep Fit On A Beach Vacation
5 Items To Help You Keep Fit On A Beach Vacation : There is nothing wrong with taking some time to relax on a beach vacation. In fact, it may be exactly what you need after spending a tough year working hard. However, many of us worry that it will interrupt our fitness journeys. We exercise because it makes us feel great, after all, and no one wants to return from a vacation feeling worse than before.
Your fitness routine on a beach vacation will be nothing like your fitness routine back home. Nor should it be. Rather, you should take some time to set realistic fitness goals. Whether you plan to run for ten minutes a day or do a thirty-minute strength workout every second day, choose something you can achieve without compromising your relaxation.
To help you keep fit on your beach vacation, bring the following 5 items.
Waterproof sneakers
Since you’re going to the beach, you may not think to bring sneakers with you. Even if you enjoy running, you can run barefoot on the sand. However, if you have never gone for a run on the beach before, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. You will find it hard to keep your footing and soon realize how many stones, shells, and other sharp objects there are on the beach to dig into your feet.
Some women love running barefoot, but take a pair of waterproof sneakers in any case. You may even decide that running on the beach is not for you, and choose to run on the road instead.
Comfortable swimsuits
If you are a swimmer, you will already have the gear you need to swim during your beach vacation. However, even if you don’t plan on swimming for exercise, you should get a comfortable swimsuit. This is because when running, whether on the beach or on a road, you will want the opportunity to dive into the pool or the sea to refresh. Instead of wearing workout clothes and having to change (and adding to the laundry in the process), wear something that’s both practical and looks great on you.
You can get some beautiful swimwear that is comfortable for swimming, running, and exercising, including these women’s swim shorts that come in shapes and sizes to suit any body type.
Water-resistant, high-SPF sunscreen
The fact that the sun poses a major risk to our lifestyles is nothing new. Every woman understands just how much damage the sun can do to her skin, in terms of both health and aesthetics. For this reason, most of us wear sunscreen in our day-to-day lives.
However, the sunscreen you wear out of the house during other times of the year is not going to serve you on a beach vacation. During your vacation, you will be exposed to the sun at its highest strength. If you are exercising in the sun, your sweat will wash regular sunscreen off your face and body.
Make sure to get sunscreen that is both water-resistant and has a high SPF. Even with the best sunscreen, reapplication is key.
Water bottles or backpacks
I personally cannot exercise without water at hand. I take chronic medication that dries my mouth out at the best of times. However, many other women are happy to drink water once their workout is complete. This is especially true for people who run and don’t want the burden of carrying a water bottle the whole time.
When you’re on vacation at the beach, you will find that working out makes you a lot thirstier than normal. The heat and humidity may be much higher than what you’re used to. If you’re sweating more than normal, you are going to need to replenish your fluids.
Get a water bottle that fits comfortably into your hand. Alternatively, get a backpack that carries water that you can sip from a straw.
A resistance band
Finally, there are few things which provide as many fitness opportunities as a simple resistance band. Having a range of resistance bands with different resistance levels is ideal, but even if you just own one, you can do a ton of different exercises. Search online for workouts with resistance bands if you don’t already have a range of exercises you enjoy.
The best thing about a resistance band is that it takes up almost no space and you can carry it with you wherever you go.
Your fitness journey does not need to halt completely during a beach vacation. The above 5 things will help you stay fit without eating into your relaxation time.
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Published at Sun, 26 Dec 2021 21:14:33 -0800