Athlete Spotlight: an Update from Skye Halliday Wilson
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We first met Skye Halliday Wilson in June 2020 when she shared the story of how fitness changed her life. She told us her goal was to share what she knows with others and earn a ISSA group exercise certification. We’ve followed Wilson’s journey through the years; including managing the “new normal” in the midst of the pandemic, completing a mentorship and finishing the last few portions of her ISSA exam.
Today, we check in with Wilson in the new year.
She’s officially certified with the ISSA and landed her dream job with Scottsdale BODI, working with fitness guru Nikki Metzger.
“I group train HIIT and strength classes to the best community,” Wilson says. “I love what I do! Secondly, I’ve had incredible opportunities to work with ISSA on a few of their certifications, including modeling and script reading for their certification platform. It all happened because of being featured in Oxygen, and I am forever grateful!”

2021: A Year of Personal Growth
Wilson says restrictions were lifted at her gym in 2021 and she was able to train (almost) at full capacity again. She also focused on growing her nutrition business, SKYEFITNutrition.
“Food is so much more than ‘fuel’ as our industry likes to say,” she says. “And getting to help clients reach a place of real balance is rewarding.”
It was certainly a year of personal growth for Wilson, and 2022 is going to bring even more joy with the arrival of someone new in her life.
“I recently found out that I’m pregnant and will be a first-time mom!” she says. “I’m excited to continue a healthy and strong lifestyle for myself and my baby. Training while pregnant is a whole new journey for me, and it’s been exciting to experience it.”

Stay in Your Lane
One of Wilson’s methods of maintaining a healthy, happy life is to “stay in her lane.” Of course, we asked her to explain.
“The comparison game is so deadly — it only takes a few seconds of scrolling on social media to see a dozen women who have something you don’t,” she says. “Now, being pregnant, it’s even harder not to feel out of the game or behind.”
To take care of her mental health and live happier and healthier, Wilson prefers to mute or unfollow any accounts that make her feel self-critical.
“I know that I am responsible for my own response to other creator’s content, so if it makes me feel blue or judgmental about my body or accomplishments, I disengage,” she says. “It’s a daily practice for me to remind myself that my physical body is not the exciting or interesting thing about who I am.”
Wilson points out that women are constantly told that they were valuable because of looks, and it takes a lot of mental homework to dismantle that kind of thinking.
Another practice she swears by is keeping a section in the Notes app on her phone where she writes down things she’s proud of herself for. She looks back at them when she feels behind in life or starts comparing herself to others.
“For example, I recently was able to hit a new PR of weighted pull-up reps, and wrote that down for days when I feel I’m slacking in progress,” Wilson says. “I think we have to be our own biggest hype-women in life. Overall, there’s too much negative talk about our bodies, our careers, and our worth as women. I try and actively change my mindset about this.”
Quick Q&A
1. Favorite post-workout snack?
“Sourdough toast! I always work out in the morning, and love sourdough with my breakfast to get extra post workout carbs in.”
2. Favorite muscle group to work?
“Leg day, baby! I wasn’t blessed with any quad genetics, so I’m working hard to build them.”
3. What’s your mantra for 2022?
“Why not me?” (Instead of saying, “I wish I could do X, Y or Z,” saying, “Hell yes, why NOT me?”) Another one is, “Anything meant for me will not pass me by.”
4. Biggest fitness inspo?
5. Go-to workout clothes?
“GymShark all day! My dream collaboration is to work with them!”
Published at Fri, 07 Jan 2022 14:47:50 -0800