Burpee Fitness Quest: Final Check-In

Congratulations — you’re finally done with your burpee quest! By now, you should feel comfortable with the movement of the burpee and be able to perform 30 in a row. Have you learned to love them yet? Or at least like them?
It’s time for you your final check-in with Angela, who always has a tip or two to boost your burpees.
Tip: Add a clap to your burpee. While it sounds silly, a clap keeps you mentally engaged and signifies the end of a rep, giving you a little mental boost.
Reminder: Are you remembering to breathe correctly? Exhale on the way down and inhale as you leap up.
Badassery Badge
If you’ve completed the quest to its fullest extent, go back and try for the badassery badge! Level up your burpees by adding a tuck jump, doubling your push-ups in between or even making them traveling burpees.
To check out the rest of the Fitness Quests, click here.
Published at Thu, 30 Dec 2021 19:25:31 -0800