Fast-Track Fitness Exercises P-Z

Editor’s Note: This article is part of Fast-Track Fitness, a 28-day program available exclusively to Oxygen and Outside+ members. You can read more about the course and its offerings here. Members can access the full course here.
Planks are arguably one of the hardest movements around, since they involve not only your abs but also your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, chest and upper back. All these muscles need to work in harmony in order to execute a perfect plank, especially with variations!
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Plank Tapout
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Plank Walkout
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Plié Pulse Squat
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Renegade Row Push-Up
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Rolling Burpee
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Runner’s Lunge
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Seated Row
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Side-Lying Leg Raise
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Single-Leg Hip-Lift
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Single-Leg Knee-Up
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Squat with Shoulder Press
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Standing Glute Kickback
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Standing Side Leg Raise
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Star Jump
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Sumo-to-Narrow Jump Squat
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Triceps Kickback
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Triceps Overhead Extension
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Triceps Push-Up
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Walking Lunge
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Windmill Toe Touch
Published at Fri, 29 Oct 2021 11:26:27 -0700