Lunden Souza’s 10-Minute Outdoor Workout

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Quick resistance-training workouts are so helpful when you have a full, abundant schedule — and it’s even better if you can get outside in the process. The more muscles you activate during our workout, the more calories you burn and the more bang for your buck you get. With compound moves like the four in the following workout I’ve designed, you’re also improving neuromuscular efficiency (helping your muscles work together even better!), strengthening your core and working out in a way that’s super efficient.
The American Psychological Association states that spending time outdoors can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, improve focus and can improve sleep patterns. Combine the benefits of exercise and the outdoors with the workout below!
For this workout, use weights that feel good for you and your fitness level. Here are some helpful modifications:
- Feel free to step out instead of jump in your burpees and come to your knees for the push-up.
- For the core blaster dumbbell passes, feel free to just elevate your knees and hold it there if that’s what works for you.
- Make sure you sit back and stick your butt out when you do your side lunges. Drive through the heel to power your side lunge!
- For the side plank, feel free to drop your bottom knee to come to a modified side plank. You can also do this move without a weight if that’s what works for you!
And remember, workouts are only super effective if you rest and recover! My favorite ways to recover are stretching, foam rolling, long slow walks and warm epsom salt baths.
Lunden Souza’s Outdoor Workout
Exercise | Time |
Burpee Bicep Curl | 40 seconds on | 20 second rest |
Core Blaster Dumbbell Passes | 40 seconds on | 20 second rest |
Side Lunge Overhead Press | 40 seconds on | 20 second rest |
Side Plank Rotation Fly (Left) | 40 seconds on | 20 second rest |
Side Plank Rotation Fly (Right) | 40 seconds on | 20 second rest |
Published at Fri, 11 Mar 2022 08:27:51 -0800