This mum has shared her INCREDIBLE six week results – she looks incredible!
Wow-wee Melanie Anne! You look fabulous.
This Melbourne-based mum-of-three has lost 7.8kg in JUST six weeks on The Healthy Mummy’s 12 Week Challenge!
“I knew I was overweight after having children, but it wasn’t until I took progress shots that I had a massive turning point,” she admits.
“I didn’t know I had rolls on my back. Now, I feel like a new woman.”
Prior to joining The Healthy Mummy, Melanie admits she had tried many diets in the past.
“You name it, I’ve probably tried it over the years,” she says.
“I said to my partner Damien after having our third child, I’d like to be able to ‘just do things’ with the kids without feeling puffed out and unfit.
“If other mums can look amazing and feel good after having kids, then why can’t I?”
Health benefits
Melanie’s starting weight was 99.4kg and now she’s down to 91.6kg, and she’s down two dress sizes.
“I have definitely seen the health benefits whilst being on this journey and losing weight,” she reveals.
“I can breathe better, I’ve started running again, I no longer get the aches and pains when I sit on the floor and play with the kids.
“I sleep better and over all just feel better within myself.”
In fact, Melanie says if she hadn’t of taken progress photos, she probably wouldn’t have believed the scales and wouldn’t have been able to see the difference physically looking in a mirror.
“Progress photos have changed the way I think about weight loss. It’s not all about the scales,” she admits.
“I wanted to be a better mum, I wanted to be able to learn how to nourish and fuel my body with the right portions of food.”
Melanie’s day on a plate
Breakfast: Walnut Bircher muesli or Warm Vanilla & Apple muesli
Morning Tea: Apple with but butter or Choc Chip Banana Bread
Lunch: Egg & Lettuce Sandwich, Smoothie or Tuna Omelette
Afternoon Tea: Raspberry Muffin, boiled egg on vita wheats, cucumber stacks, healthy veggie sausage rolls
Dinner: Stovetop lasagna, Mexican style Chilli Con carne, Beef San Choy Bow, Baked Chicken Spaghetti, Sticky Chicken & Fried Rice Bake
Workouts: Dance Strong and Take 10 on The Healthy Mummy app
“Dinner in my house needs to be family friendly. There are times when I will make a completely separate meal for everyone else and I’ll have a HM Meal.
“Any leftovers will go into the fridge or freezer for another night.”
Melanie’s favourite Healthy Mummy snacks and meals
- Stovetop Lasagne
- Raspberry Muffins
- Hidden veggie sausage rolls (I substitute the Filo pastry for Puff pastry).
- Choc Chip Banana Bread
- Flourless Peanut butter Cookies
- Choc Lava Microwave Cake
- Beef and Broccoli stir fry
- Lamb burgers with Minted Yoghurt
Melanie’s top tips for success
- Don’t give up.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re not seeing the scales move, just don’t give up! Every little bit of change will benefit you and your health.”
- Drink lots of water.
- Remember to take time for yourself.
“I didn’t realise how important this was until I started this for myself. I lock myself in the bathroom, put my clay mask on, listen to music and have a peaceful shower without interruptions.”
Bliss! Amazing results, Melanie. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us.
Join us on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY
Want to shift your baby weight but feel like you have NO TIME in your day to exercise and eat healthily? That’s where the Healthy Mummy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can help.
Our Challenge entails:
- 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
- Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
- Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
- Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
- Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels.
- Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes.
To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.
Published at Thu, 21 Oct 2021 14:51:28 -0700